
原装进口Audio Note kit 100KA HIEND级双声道电位器 2CP2500

日本 TKD 东京光音 2CP-2500 顶级碳膜双声道电位器 100KA 

世界上声音最好的电位器之一,声音比NOBLE 贵族电位器有过之而无不及,经常应用于极品HI-END机器,如:Audio Note、Kondo、LAMM 等。


Up for sale is 1pc of TKD 2CP-2500 potentiometer made in Japan. One of the best in the market.Great for high end audio use. The TKD (Ko-on) potentiometers are highly regarded, probably the best pots in current production.Used by Audio Note, LAMM and Kondo. TKD makes excellent sounding volume controls. Once you have heard and felt the difference you will understand why people go for such lengths t0 get cheap controls out of their signal path.

Please note that these pot are very delicate and great effort is needed for soldering to ensure that its full potential is realized.

